Piute Tompkins, sole owner and proprietor of what used to be the Oasis Saloon but was now the Two...
In the Twelfth Century an intrigue at the court of the great Sultan Saladin brings forth the Sphi...
The final series about the strange and mysterious gem The Passing of the Sphinx Emerald constitut...
An old secret and a lovely woman and three men: Barr Radison, an American adventurer, searching f...
These Sphinx Emerald stories are a veritable Outline of History. The Son of Julius Caesar is the ...
Steel clashed and bugles blared in the Antioch of December 362... and the strange Sphinx Emerald ...
Besides 'Galway' Mike, who was reading the Pahrump County News behind the bar, there were three m...
A strange and mysterious gem named the Sphinx Emerald leaves its trail through history: a witness...