Shenzhen, Pjöngjang, Burma, Jerusalem und nun Québec. Guy Delisle nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise in...
Nachdem er in 'Shenzhen' seinen Aufenthalt in der chinesischen Sonderwirtschaftszone verarbeitet ...
Bereits 2005 begleitete Guy Delisle seine Frau, die für die Hilfsorganisation Ärzte ohne Grenzen ...
With A User’s Guide to Neglectful Parenting, the trademark dry humor that pervades Guy Delisle’s ...
A funny and insightful retrospective collection from a celebrated cartoonist.
Shenzhen is entertainingly compact with Guy Delisle’s observations of life in urban southern Chin...
In the middle of the night in 1997, Doctors Without Borders administrator Christophe André was ki...
Acclaimed graphic memoirist Guy Delisle returns with his strongest work yet—a thoughtful and movi...
The legendary cartoonist aims his pen and paper toward his high school summer job
Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea is Guy Delisle's graphic novel that made his career,an intern...