Graph grammars originated in the late 60s, motivated by considerations about pattern recognition ...
This book offers an overview of the key ideas of Petri nets, how they were developed, and how ...
Graph grammars originated in the late 60s, motivated by considerations about pattern recognition ...
The theory of traces employs techniques and tackles problems from quite diverse areas which inclu...
The scientific developments at the end of the past millennium were dominated by the huge increase...
InhaltsangabeNeural Computing; Evolutionary Computing; Molecular Computing; Quantum Computing; Ce...
The theory of formal languages is one of the oldest branches of theoretical computer science. Its...
Graph grammars originated in the late 60s, motivated by considerations about pattern recognition ...
P Nanoscale science and computing is becoming a major research area as today's scientists try to...
This book is based on columns and tutorials published in the Bulletin of the European Association...