A classic work detailing the lives and customs of the 19th-century Dakota living near present-day...
Tap into feedback loops to unravel market trends and discover profitable trading opportunities...
SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice.This encyclop...
This book will enable practicing physicians and trainees to learn, in a clinically relevant an...
This collection of essays seeks to bring to a wide audience the ongoing rich theological dialo...
Master's Thesis from the year 2007 in the subject Guidebooks - Self-help, Psychology, , course: M...
Verstrahlte Zeiten erfordern strahlende Helden Einst verwüstete ein schrecklicher Atomkrieg unser...
This volume reviews the latest research on the role and implementation of main types of agrofores...
Verstrahlte Zeiten erfordern strahlende HeldenEinst verwüstete ein schrecklicher Atomkrie...