A celebration of the groundbreaking achievements of Nancy Freeman Regalado in the field of mediev...
In 1908 and 1909, noted social reformer and 'songcatcher' Olive Dame Campbell traveled with her h...
This collection of contemporary poetry, art, and narrative supports K–12 teachers in...
The Sci-Fi and Fantasy of Tomorrow Selected by Masters of Today ce...
Essays exploring childhood and youth in Scotland before the nineteenth century.
Consultant and long-time Food and Drug Administration (FDA) food labeling expert James Summers an...
Twenty-six authors from diverse scholarly backgrounds look at the vexed, traumatic intersections ...
Arthurian Literature has established its position as the home for a great diversity of new...
This collection includes over 100 slave narratives and more than a thousands transcripts of recor...
Doing Ethnography Today explores the methodologies and theories behind contemporary, colla...