Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant...
Essays on the performance of drama from the Middle Ages, ranging from the well-known cycles of Yo...
The ludic element of drama in the Middle Ages - or drama with early subject matter - is here to t...
Essays on aspects of early drama.
A new reading of theRevelations in the context of late-medieval manuscript traditions.
New essays demonstrate Gower's mastery of the three languages of medieval England, and provide a ...
One of the most important medieval writers studied in historical and literary context.
Introduces Skelton and his work to readers unfamiliar with the poet, gathers together the vibrant...
Newest research into drama and performance of the Middle Ages and Tudor period.
One of the most important medieval writers studied in historical and literary context.
Essays on the performance of drama from the middle ages, ranging from the well-known cycles of Yo...
Newest research into drama and performance from the Middle Ages and the Tudor period.