Lady KillerRichard Namey, 26, drug abuser and woman-beater, had already threatened a p...
The chilling true crime story of a man willing to do whatever it takes to live life on...
On June 3, 1991, an abandoned car was found on a busy stretch of highway near Newport Beach, Cali...
The true story of the predator who lured young women with promises of famefrom the n...
The horrifying true story of the brutal murder of one of Janet Leigh's 'body doubles' in Psycho, ...
The author ofMeet Me for Murdershares the true crime story of a LA prosecutor w...
A 1980s ex-con takes an unhappy housewife as his sex slave and becomes a cross-country serial ...
The shocking true crime story of a California bride who took her wealthy husband for e...
In 1985, Charles Ng and Leonard Lake were spotted shoplifting. Ng escaped, but Lake's capture led...
'You Get To A Point Where You Can Take Just So Much.'EDMOND, OK-Postal employee Patric...
MURDER IN THE FAST LANEDavid Mahler, a 43-year-old east coast lawyer, came to Hollywood fo...