Claire Denis is one of France's most acclaimed and original filmmakers. Since her remarkable debu...
First in a series designed to situate and explain the films of French directors. A concise, acces...
This book provides the first detailed analysis of the work of four important contemporary directo...
Before the turn of the twentieth century, before the nickelodeon, even before the first cinemas, ...
This volume is the first to examine, in either French or English, the films of Jean-Jacques Beine...
This is the first book written on Diane Kurys. It is essential for study of women filmmakers in F...
Widely taught on Film Studies courses and in French Cultural Studies programmesLuc Besson is a po...
The first book in any language to study the films of this enfant terrible of contemporary French ...
This groundbreaking book is about what popular culture means in France, and how the terms shiftin...
The first book in English to deal exclusively with Duras' cinema, including such films as India S...
The Third Republic, known as the belle époque, was a period of lively, articulate and surpris...
Fragile yet powerful, macho yet transgressive, Jacques Audiards films portray disabled, marginali...