Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) provides cloud-like subscription-oriented services at the edge o...
In recent years, with the advent of ?ne line lithographical methods, molecular beam epitaxy, orga...
This book provides a detailed insight into Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technologies linke...
The book includes original unpublished contributions presented at the Seventh Internati...
This book presents nature inspired computing applications for the wireless sensor network (W...
This book features selected papers from the 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Compu...
The book discusses the evolution of future generation technologies through Internet of Things ...
The book is a collection of best selected research papers presented at International ...
This book includes original, unpublished contributions presented at the Sixth International Co...
This book presents a collection of peer-reviewed articles from the 7th International Conferenc...
In recent years, with the advent of fine line lithographical methods, molecular beam epitaxy, org...
The book constitutes proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Syst...