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  1. The Holy Roman Empire, Reconsidered
    Sofort lieferbar

    The Holy Roman Empire has often been anachronistically assumed to have been defunct long befo...

    34,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  2. Conversion and the Politics of Religion in Early Modern Germany
    Sofort lieferbar

    The Protestant and Catholic Reformations thrust the nature of conversion into the center of d...

    33,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  3. Kinship in Europe
    Sofort lieferbar

    Since the publication of Philippe Arièss book,Centuries of Childhood, in the early 1...

    34,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  4. Transnationale Geschichte
    Sofort lieferbar

    Die Internationalisierung der Geschichtswissenschaft schreitet voran. Zunehmend orientiert sie si...

    55,00 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  5. Transregional and Transnational Families in Europe and Beyond
    Sofort lieferbar

    While the current discussion of ethnic, trade, and commercial diasporas, global networks, and...

    39,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  6. The Politics of Making Kinship
    Sofort lieferbar

    The long tradition of Western political thought included kinship in models of public order, b...

    38,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  7. Sibling Relations and the Transformations of European Kinship, 1300-1900
    Sofort lieferbar

    Recently considerable interest has developed about the degree to which anthropological approa...

    39,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
  8. Blood and Kinship
    Sofort lieferbar

    The word blood awakens ancient ideas, but we know little about its historical representation ...

    38,99 € Ebook
    Alle Preise inkl. MwSt
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