Bei einem Tropengewitter stürzt ein peruanisches Flugzeug über dem Dschungel aus 3000 Metern Höhe...
Beyond the Gatehouse is a lighthearted, witty but factual biographical account of the eccentric l...
Commodore David Dixon Porter made history when he took the Essex into the Pacific and crippl...
Why is Henry Ford a giant? Because he put the world on wheels. Henry Ford did not invent the moto...
Exploring the Yoruba tradition in the United States, Hucks begins with the story of Nana Oseij...
This new volume in the Feasting on the Word series will serve as an all-in-one pa...
The years 1900 to 1954 marked the transformation from an exotic, colonized 'Far East' to a mor...
Essays on the early disciplinary history of international relations.
The book series 'European Studies in the Caucasus' offers innovative perspectives on regional stu...
Delve into London's architectural curiositites and discover the unexpected gems waiting arou...