Eine ebenso tollkühne wie bewegende Reise ohne Rückfahrkarte in das Indien abseits der touristisc...
'Shantaram' hat Millionen Leser berührt. Die Geschichte von Lindsay, dem Australier, der aus dem ...
David Yarrow, der Großmeister der Tierfotografie, lässt uns teilhaben an der Entstehungsgeschicht...
A rich collection of articles on multiple aspects of Anglo-Norman and Norman studies, forming an ...
This collection represents a cross-section of the papers presented atthe 6th International Confer...
The first in-depth history of philanthropy in Indiana.Philanthropy has been cent...
Most conventional gardening books concentrate on how and when to carry out horticultural tasks...
Leading writers reimagine the city as a site of ceaseless change and motion
Why can't Christians agree about communion? Why is it that in some churches all worship services ...
A thoroughly updated introduction to forensic entomologyIn the newly revised sec...
During the week of June 29 - July 5, 2008, over 300 scientists and engineers from 30 countries sp...