Das Buch ' Weil Gott es so will - Frauen erzählen von ihrer Berufung zur Diakonin und Priesterin'...
How did Luther understand the office of the ministry? For those listening to his sermons after Wi...
Die Wirkung Martin Luthers auf den Calvinismus war enorm.In diesem Band dokumentieren namhafte Au...
David Bauer befasst sich mit der Verlustanalyse und -berechnung sowie der resultierenden Schni...
Music is powerful and transformational, but can it spur actual social change?A s...
'David Bauer's Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry is without doubt the most compl...
Theodore Beza (15191605) was a talented humanist, Protestant theologian, political agitator, and ...
In 1561, a Eucharistic controversy erupted in Danzig of the sixteenth century, sparked by disagre...
Many scholars have endured the struggle against rising anti-Israel sentiments on colleg...
Das Buch ' Weil Gott es so will - Frauen erzählen von ihrer Berufung zur Diakonin und Priesterin'...
The chapters in this volume contribute to recent scholarship exploring the reform of worship as a...
This volume contains the papers of theinternational RefoRCconference on 'Reformed Majorities ...