Lebensecht: Dieses umfassende Dinosaurierlexikon zeigt die Urzeitechsen in fotorealistischen Dars...
Spektakuläres Dinosaurier-Buch für Kinder Die schärfsten Klauen, die längste Flügelspannweite...
The book is an important read for persons who practice or study within the field. Anyone with exp...
This novel and important book brings together insights from cultural studies and critical discour...
A comprehensive study of Mill's theory of liberty, uncovering Mill's solution to the problem of d...
This book is intended for those who need to get things done with Mac OS X Server 10.6. As such...
Employing innovations in media studies, southern cultural studies, and approaches to the global S...
Fully updated to reflect the latest developments, the third edition ofResearch Methods In Clin...
`A scholarly lexicon and stimulating 'rough guide' for cultural studies as it confronts and navig...
Fully updated to reflect the latest developments, the third edition ofResearch Methods In Clin...
'This book presents a magisterial overview of Cultural Studies, and of studies of culture more br...