Adham Rayyes, a Canadian of Palestinian descent, successfully negotiates the path of a young Arab...
Raue Landschaft, große GefühleStadtmensch Lucy fällt aus allen Wolken - ein Onkel hat ihr sein Ho...
After a traumatic military tour in the Middle East, Daniel 'Uneasy' Truce returns home with PT...
When four high school children, and one dog, suffer at the hands of online media they come up wit...
Exploring the Chinese Social Model presents new analysis and fresh research on how China d...
Food and Industrial Bioproducts and Bioprocessing describes the engineering aspects of bio...
After the Three Italies develops a new political economy approach to the analysis of...
Another case for Daniel Truce: Patricia Green, a 17-year-old girl, has been missing for 48 hou...
After the Three Italies develops a new political economy approach to the analysis of...
Many people look at the world through a scientific lens that seems to forbid religious conviction...
Nach einem traumatischen Einsatz im Nahen Osten kehrt Daniel Truce in seine Heimatstadt Edinbu...
Heme peroxidases are widely distributed in biological systems and are involved in a wide range of...