Der Name von Maurice Herzog, einem der Erstbesteiger der Annapurna, ist weltbekannt. Aber wer ken...
'He appeared, without a word, in the tent's entrance, covered in ice. He looked like anyone would...
Dans les années 1970 et 1980, aux heures les plus sombres du communisme, la Pologne a vu éclore u...
Au lendemain de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, la Yougoslavie connut une période de calme relatif so...
This book focuses on sustaining communities of practice in primary and secondary schools in ...
"One of the most important mountaineering books to be written for many years." —B...
Bravery, obsession, suffering, tragedy, and joy--all willingly accepted by this special breed of ...
A long overdue accounting of the extraordinary contributions and leadership of Sherpa, Balti, and...