A survey of critical attention devoted to Arthurian matters.
Seit Jahrzehnten ist Cavendon Hall das Zuhause zweier Familien: der aristokratischen Inghams u...
With Gods Grace ... takes you into the lives of five women seeking the meaning of grace. Do you k...
This new volume in the Feasting on the Word series will serve as an all-in-one pa...
With this twelve-volume series, Westminster John Knox Press offers one of the most extensive and ...
'World music' emerged as a commercial and musical category in the 1980s, but in some sense mus...
Published originally in 1809-1810, The Friend was revised in 1812, by public demand. In 1818, a t...
With this new lectionary commentary series, Westminster John Knox offers the most extensive resou...
This collection features sixty sermons by Walter Brueggemann, preached mostly in the last five ye...
What social change has been achieved over the past 30 years?What have been the main barrie...
Ein schicksalsschweres Vermächtnis'Geh nach London zu Emma Harte! Sie hat den Sc...