This book explores the distinct nuisances and obstacles that are brought on by the tourism a...
Fruits of the most recent research on the thirteenth century in both England and Europe.
This book investigates the adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Carib...
Western Ecuador is famed for its astonishingly diverse birdlife, from colorful hummingbirds and o...
The leading academic vehicle for scholarly publication in the field of medieval warfare.
Essays exploring and problematizing the idea of an 'exceptional' England within Western Europe du...
C. S. Lewis embodied the Christian mind because he saw the world as a coherent unity. His writing...
Essays looking at the links between England and Europe in the long thirteenth century.
Essays throwing fresh light on what it was like to be a medieval soldier, drawing on archival res...
This book is a tribute to all who answered the call to bring this new American institution into e...
Fruits of the most recent research into the 'long' thirteenth century.