Über kaum etwas wird so inflationär gesprochen wie über die digitale Transformation oder die verm...
This book offers insights into the history of mathematics education, covering both the current...
Über kaum etwas wird so inflationär gesprochen wie über die digitale Transformation oder die verm...
Cuando en un rectángulo convergen treinta autores seleccionados en una convocatoria abierta, doce...
This is the first comprehensive International Handbook on the History of Mathematics Education...
ICMI (or IMUK) was founded in 1908 and initiated the establishment of national subcommissions to ...
This book is a collection of scholarly studies in the history of mathematics education, very a...
This anthology, consisting of two volumes, is intended to equip background researchers, practitio...
This book consists of interviews with the most important mathematics educators of our time. These...
This anthology, consisting of two volumes, is intended to equip background researchers, practitio...
Caritas und Diakonie sind für die Kommunikation des Evangeliums in Wort und Tat zentral. Sie besc...