Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems (eBook) von Rattan Lal

Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems
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149,79 €* eBook

Rattan Lal
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This book examines the carbon sink capacity of urban ecosystems, showing how judicious planning and careful management can offset human emissions using lawn and turf, urban forests, green roofs, parks, recreational and sports facilities and urban agriculture.

Foreword.- PART I. Urban Ecosystems and Climate Change.- PART II. Urban Forests.- PART III.  Turfgrass and Home Lawns.- PART IV. Current Trends in Urban Ecosystems.- PART V. Sustainable Management of Urban Ecosystems.

Urbanization drastically alters the ecosystems structure and functions, disrupts cycling of C and other elements along with water. It alters the energy balance and influences climate at local, regional and global scales. In 2008, urban population exceeded the rural population. In 2050, 70% of the world population will live in urban centers. The number of megacities (10 million inhabitants) increased from three in 1975 to 19 in 2007, and is projected to be 27 in 2025. Rapid urbanization is altering the ecosystem C budget. Yet, urban ecosystems have a large C sink capacity in soils and biota. Judicious planning and effective management can enhance C pool in urban ecosystems, and off-set some of the anthropogenic emissions. Principal components with regards to C sequestration include home lawns and turfs, urban forests, green roofs, park and recreational/sports facilities and urban agriculture.


Schlagwörter zu:

Carbon Sequestration in Urban Ecosystems von Rattan Lal - mit der ISBN: 9789400723665

Carbon sequestration in lawns and turfs; Climate Change; Soil Carbon Stocks; Urban Agriculture; Urbanization; climate change impacts; landscape/regional and urban planning; B; Agriculture; Human Geography; Climate Sciences; Earth System Sciences; Soil Science; Geotechnical Engineering and Applied Earth Sciences; Biomedical and Life Sciences, Online-Buchhandlung


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