The little King in America () von Hedwig Munck

The little King in America
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Travel Adventure in Denver and New York
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Hedwig Munck
The little King
eBook Format:
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]
CHAPTER 1 Intro CHAPTER 2 How it all began CHAPTER 3 The Departure CHAPTER 4 The Search CHAPTER 5 The Decision CHAPTER 6 Remembering the Photoalbum CHAPTER 7 Travel Plan CHAPTER 8 The Flight CHAPTER 9 A Crown can help CHAPTER 10 Lots of Kings CHAPTER 11 Oldtimer-King CHAPTER 12 Dragons and Dinasaurs CHAPTER 13 Rocky Mountains CHAPTER 14 Glenwood Canyon und Hanging Lake CHAPTER 15 The Climb CHAPTER 16 Hanging Lake CHAPTER 17 Grizzly Creek CHAPTER 18 The Gold Mine CHAPTER 19 Fox 31 and Casa Bonita CHAPTER 20 The Egg of Columbus CHAPTER 21 Touring Denver City CHAPTER 22 On Top of a Scaffold CHAPTER 23 Another Couple of Squirrels CHAPTER 23 The Time Machine CHAPTER 24 No Need for Speed CHAPTER 25 Soccer Match CHAPTER 26 Review CHAPTER 27 The Royal Kids Reunion CHAPTER 27 New York, New York CHAPTER 28 Sightseeing by Bus and by Boat CHAPTER 29 Skyscrapers CHAPTER 30 At Times Square CHAPTER 31 The Horseman CHAPTER 32 Museum of Modern Art CHAPTER 33 The VIPs CHAPTER 34 Home sweet Home CHAPTER 35 Last Page
The little King travels to the U.S. to find his cousin, the litte Princess. But the little Princess note wasnt very clear. Where is she? He searches all across Colorado with lots of adventures and plenty excitement - constantly keeping an eye on his plush companion Crowny. See whats happen in Denver and New York. Also in a german version: "Der kleine König in Amerika".
Hedwig Munck is a filmmaker from Berlin. Together with her husband she developed the popular character "The little King" for the german television. Translation and some Photos were contributed by Lene Munck, Denver.


Schlagwörter zu:

The little King in America von Hedwig Munck - mit der ISBN: 9783944636245

Adventure; Colorado; Denver; Dino; Englisch Lernen; Flight; Hedwig munck; Journey; New York; Reise; Rocky Mountains; Sandmännchen; Times Square; Travel; der kleine König, Online-Buchhandlung


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