Orwell - Animal Farm. English Edition (Gebunden/Hardback) von George Orwell

Orwell - Animal Farm. English Edition
A special edition hardcover with silver foil embossing, The English Edition 6
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6,00 €* Gebunden/Hardback

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George Orwell
171 g
19.2x13x1.3 cm
All animals are equal. They are robbed of the fruits of their labour, fenced-in or caged. The animals on Manor Farm have had enough. They start a rebellion - for a better world, in which all animals are equal and free. But when some animals are more equal than others, freedom might turn out to be a short-lived dream.George Orwell's famous allegory is one of the most urgent literary wake-up calls. It sheds light on the seductiveness of power, and on how quickly our dreams of a better world turn into a totalitarian nightmare. The timeless classic is now available in a special hardcover edition embossed with silver foil. 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.' George Orwell


Schlagwörter zu:

Orwell - Animal Farm. English Edition von George Orwell - mit der ISBN: 9783730614709

big brother, big brother is watching you, book, buch, bücher, dark academia, dystopian novel, dystopianbooks, dystopie fantasy, englische bücher, englische klassiker, englische literatur, english books, english books bestseller, english classics, english literature, english novels, english readers, farm der tiere, klassiker bücher, neuerscheinung, newspeak, original english, penguin classics, 1984 book, 2024, Online-Buchhandlung


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