Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation (eBook) von David A. N. Ussiri

Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
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287,83 €* eBook

David A. N. Ussiri
eBook Format:
Reflowable eBook
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]

  Chapter 1: Introduction: Climate Overview.- Chapter 2: Variability and Change In Climate.-Chapter 3: Introduction to Global Carbon Cycling: An Overview of the Global Carbon Cycle.- Chapter 4: The Global Carbon Inventory.- Chapter 5: Historical Perspectives of the Global Carbon Cycle.- Chapter 6: The Modern Carbon Cycle.- Chapter 7: Historical and Contemporary Global Methane Cycling.- Chapter 8: Mitigation of Climate Change: Introduction.- Chapter 9: Introduction to Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration.- Chapter 10: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Under Agriculture and Livestock Landuse.- Chapter 11: Global Forests Management for Climate Change Mitigation.- Chapter 12: The Role of Bioenergy in Mitigating Climate Change.- Chapter 13: Carbon Capture and Storage in Geologic Formations.

This book provides an understanding of the role of human activities in accelerating change in global carbon cycling summarizes current knowledge of the contemporary carbon budget. Starting from the geological history, this volume follows a multidisciplinary approach to analyze the role of human activities in perturbing carbon cycling by quantifying changes in different reservoirs and fluxes of carbon with emphasis on the anthropogenic activities, especially after the industrial revolution. It covers the role of different mitigation options natural ecological, engineered, and geoengineered processes as well as the emerging field of climate engineering in avoiding dangerous abrupt climate change. Although the targeted audience is the educators, students, researchers and scientific community, the simplified analysis and synthesis of current and up to date scientific literature makes the volume easier to understand and a tool policy makers can use to make an informed policy decisions.


Schlagwörter zu:

Carbon Sequestration for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation von David A. N. Ussiri - mit der ISBN: 9783319538457

Anthropogenic global warming; Carbon Sequestration; Carbon capture and storage; Geoengineering approaches to climate change in mitigation; Global carbon cycling; climate change; climate engineering; B; Agriculture; Environmental Sciences; Soil Science; Earth and Environmental Science, Online-Buchhandlung


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