When I grow up, I’ll become… () von Galia Lami Dozo

When I grow up, I’ll become…
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Picture book for early readers
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Galia Lami Dozo
2, When I Grow up…
eBook Format:
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]
Age: From 5 years oldA Funny Picture Book for Beginner Readers/Bedtime StoryWhat would you like to be when you grow up? There are so many possibilities, it can be hard to choose!In this book, discover what it is like to be: a musician, a vetenarian, an archaeologist, a sketcher, a magician, a farmer, a race car driver, a designer, a spy, a nurse, a photographer or an actress!Thanks to the When I'll grow up series, young children will get a better idea of what their possible dreamjobs look like!About Caramel Publishing:Since 1993, Caramel Publishing has specialized in the creation of children's books. Every year, they create unforgettable stories that are read by millions of children worldwide. Today, their books are more available than ever thanks to the digital era.EXCERPTOne day, I'll become... A musician because I love music! I'll play drums but also the guitar and the violin. I'll play in a famous orchestra and we'll all travel together to perform concerts all over the world!


Schlagwörter zu:

When I grow up, I’ll become… von Galia Lami Dozo - mit der ISBN: 9782511036464

Caramel Editions; Galia Lami Dozo; When I Grow up…volume 2; When I grow up, I'll become…; actors; archaeologists; carrers; designers; ebooks; farmers; future perspective; jobs; magicians; musicians; nonfictions; nurses; photographers; race car drivers; sketchers; spies; vets, Online-Buchhandlung


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