Heritage and Peacebuilding (EPUB) von Diana Walters

Heritage and Peacebuilding
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Diana Walters
21, Heritage Matters
eBook Format:
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Case-studies of whether and how heritage can be used to bring about reconciliation.
Introduction - Diana Walters and Daniel Laven and Peter Davis
The Heritage of Peace: the Importance of peace museums for the development of a culture of peace - Peter van den Dungen
A conversation with Seth Frankel: designing exhibitions for peace - Seth Frankel
Public spaces for strangers: the foundation for peacebuilding and implications for heritage institutions - Elaine Gurian
Can museums build peace? The role of museums in peacebuilding and internationalism - Diana Walters
Information and Communication Technologies for heritage and peacebuilding - Jasper Visser
A conversation with David Fleming: the role of National Museums Liverpool in social justice and peacebuilding - David Fleming
A conversation with Sultan Somjee: conflict and peacebuilding in Kenya - Sultan Somjee
Museum, peace and reconciliation: the impact of the Balkan Museum Network - Aida Vezic
Diversity, leadership and peacebuilding in museums in the Western Balkans - Felicity Gibling and Michèle Taylor
Disturbing the peace: museums, democracy and conflict avoidance - Bernadette Lynch
Transforming conflict through peace cultures - Timothy Ndaruga
Rethinking heritage from peace: reflections from the Palestinian-Israeli context - Feras Hammami and Daniel Laven
A conversation with Will Glendinning: diversity challenges in Northern Ireland - Will Glendinning
A conversation with Yongtanit Pimonsathean: managing conflict in Thailand - Yongtanit Pimonsathean
Challenging the roots of prejudice: the Monte Sole case study - Elena Monicelli
Mau Mau: the divisive heritage of liberation struggle in Kenya - Lotte Hughes
The heritage of geopolitical borders as peace tourism attractions - Alon Gelbman
Rebuilding the broken: regional restoration camps as a meeting platform in the Western Balkans - Lejla Hadzic
Rebuilding the broken: regional restoration camps as a meeting platform in the Western Balkans - Jonathan Eaton
Conservation or reconciliation? Industrial heritage practices at a turning point - Bosse Lagerqvist
A conversation with Saleem Ali: environmental challenges and conflict resolution - Saleem Ali
List of contributors


Schlagwörter zu:

Heritage and Peacebuilding von Diana Walters - mit der ISBN: 9781782049968

HISTORY / Wars & Conflicts / General; HISTORY / World; Balkans; Community; Cultural Geography; European history; Heritage; Heritage initiative; Heritage sites; Human Geography; Humanity; International relations; Kenya; Middle East; Museums; Northern Ireland; Peace; Peace Studies; Social Studies; Society; Archaeology & Heritage; Modern History, Online-Buchhandlung


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