St. Francis and the Christian Life () von April Love-Fordham

St. Francis and the Christian Life
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A Disorderly Parable of the Epistle to the Galatians
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April Love-Fordham
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How do we live the Christian life? April Love-Fordham and her husband contemplated this as they retraced the footsteps of Saint Francis across the Italian wilderness. Did they need to renounce materialism and live more simply? Did they need to do more work serving those in need? Was more Bible study or a stronger prayer life needed? What made their commitment to Christ different than those committed to other faiths? How could their lives make a difference?Love-Fordham was planning a lecture series on Galatians, written by the Apostle Paul, when she and her husband began their pilgrimage. As they journeyed into the life and legends of Saint Francis, a playful old-school Franciscan monk befriended them. Together, the three named the parallels and divergences in the lives of Saint Francis and Paul. In doing so, they discovered an entirely new--but ancient--way of following Jesus.This book teaches Galatians the way Jesus taught: through parables. In this case, the parables are about Saint Francis. Each section ends with a spiritual practice designed to help readers discover their own unique way of living the Christian life.
With two degrees from Georgia Tech, April Love-Fordham ( rose to the executive suite, left the corporate world, earned an MDiv and DMin, and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA). Today she is an Episcopalian and is writing a series called Disorderly Parable Bible Studies, includingJames in the Suburbs on James (2014) andDismantling Injustice on the Song of Solomon (2016). She lives with her husband and Great Dane in Atlanta, GA.


Schlagwörter zu:

St. Francis and the Christian Life von April Love-Fordham - mit der ISBN: 9781532636356

April Love-Fordham; Bible Study Guides; Biblical Studies; Christianity; Criticism and exegesis of sacred texts; New Testament; Paul's Letters; St. Francis and the Christian Life, Online-Buchhandlung


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