Refugee Youth (EPUB) von Seyma Karamese

Refugee Youth
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Migration, Justice and Urban Space
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Seyma Karamese
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Telling the stories of young refugees in a range of international settings, this book explores how newcomers navigate urban spaces and negotiate multiple injustices in their everyday lives, giving voice to refugee youth from a wide variety of social backgrounds.
1. Introducing Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space - Mattias De Backer, Peter Hopkins and Ilse van Liempt2. Storying Belonging, Enacting Citizenship? (Dis)articulations of Belonging in a Community Theatre Project with Young Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Leipzig, Germany - Elisabeth Kirndörfer3. Jackets and Jewellery: Racialised Dispossession and Struggles over Public Space in Denmark - Malene H. Jacobsen4. Venezuelan Refugee Youth and Brazilian Schooling: The Individual between Languages and Spaces - Camila da Silva Lucena and Fabiele Stockmans De Nardi5. The Inclusionary Potential and Spatial Boundaries of (Semi-)Public Space: Refugee Youth’s Everyday Experiences in the Urban Fabric of Amsterdam - Ilse van Liempt and Mieke Kox6. Navigating ‘Purdah’ Culture in Urban Space: The Restricted Lives of Young Married Rohingya Refugees in Malaysia - Mohd Al Adib Samuri and Peter Hopkins7. Inclusive Urban Planning and Public Space for Refugee Youth in Pursuit of a Just City in Amman, Jordan - Rana Aytug8. Sense of Belonging among Tibetan Refugees in India: A Case Study of the Bylakuppe Settlement in Karnataka, India - Anne Bramwell-Grent and Ajay Bailey9. Negotiating Identity in Urban Space: Everyday Geographies of Syrian Students in Istanbul - Seyma Karamese10. ‘You’re Judged a Lot’: Australian Sudanese and South Sudanese Youths’ Perspectives on Their Experiences in Public Spaces - Luke Macaulay11. Hair Salons as ‘Private-Public Spaces’: Exploring the Experiences of Young Migrant Women in an Urban Township in South Africa - Rebecca Walker and Glynis Clacherty12. Emotion and Spatial Belonging: Exploring Young Migrant Men’s Emotional Geographies in Cork, Ireland - Mastoureh Fathi13. Homemaking through Music in Urban Africa: Creating Opportunities as a Refugee and a Migrant in Kinshasa and Dar es Salaam - Catherina Wilson14. Planetary Listening - Les Back15. Refugee Youth: Politics, Publicness and Visibility - Mattias De Backer, Peter Hopkins and Ilse van Liempt


Schlagwörter zu:

Refugee Youth von Seyma Karamese - mit der ISBN: 9781529221022

SOCIAL SCIENCE / Emigration & Immigration; SOCIAL SCIENCE / Children's Studies; Creative methods; Justice; Migration; Public space; Refugee youth; POR2, Online-Buchhandlung


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