Principles of Soil Conservation and Management (eBook) von Humberto Blanco-Canqui

Principles of Soil Conservation and Management
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362,73 €* eBook

Humberto Blanco-Canqui
eBook Format:
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This volume examines soil erosion and management, detailing soil conservation topics in relation to soil productivity, environment quality, and agronomic production. It addresses the implications of soil erosion with an emphasis on global hotspots.

Soil and Water Conservation.- Water Erosion.- Wind Erosion.- Modeling Water and Wind Erosion.- Tillage Erosion.- Biological Measures of Erosion Control.- Cropping Systems.- No-Till Farming.- Buffer Strips.- Agroforestry.- Mechanical Structures and Engineering Techniques.- Soil Erosion Under Forests.- Erosion on Grazing Lands.- Nutrient Erosion and Hypoxia of Aquatic Ecosystems.- Restoration of Eroded and Degraded Soils.- Soil Resilience and Conservation.- Soil Conservation and Carbon Dynamics.- Erosion Control and Soil Quality.- Soil Erosion and Food Security.- Climate Change and Soil Erosion Risks.- The Way Forward.

Principles of Soil Management and Conservation comprehensively reviews the state-of-knowledge on soil erosion and management. It discusses in detail soil conservation topics in relation to soil productivity, environment quality, and agronomic production. It addresses the implications of soil erosion with emphasis on global hotspots and synthesizes available from developed and developing countries. It also critically reviews information on no-till management, organic farming, crop residue management for industrial uses, conservation buffers (e.g., grass buffers, agroforestry systems), and the problem of hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico and in other regions.

This book uniquely addresses the global issues including carbon sequestration, net emissions of CO2, and erosion as a sink or source of C under different scenarios of soil management. It also deliberates the implications of the projected global warming on soil erosion and vice versa. The concern about global food security in relation to soil erosion and strategies for confronting the remaining problems in soil management and conservation are specifically addressed. This volume is suitable for both undergraduate and graduate students interested in understanding the principles of soil conservation and management. The book is also useful for practitioners, extension agents, soil conservationists, and policymakers as an important reference material.


Schlagwörter zu:

Principles of Soil Conservation and Management von Humberto Blanco-Canqui - mit der ISBN: 9781402087097

AgroMicro; Erosion; Plantation; Sediment; Tillage; Wind; climate change; ecosystem; erosivity; soil; windbreak; B; Agriculture; Environmental Sciences; Environmental Management; Soil Science; Conservation Biology; Sedimentology; Earth and Environmental Science, Online-Buchhandlung


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