The Sky’s Dark Labyrinth () von Stuart Clark

The Sky’s Dark Labyrinth
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The Sky's Dark Labyrinth Book I
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Stuart Clark
1, The Sky's Dark Labyrinth Trilogy
eBook Format:
Digital Watermark [Social-DRM]
At the dawn of the seventeenth century everyone believed that the sun revolved around the earth. Yet some men knew that the heavens did not move as they should. And some men began to suspect that this heresy was in fact the truth. As Europe convulsed in conflict between Catholic and Protestant, these men prepared to die for that truth. This is the story of Kepler and Galileo, two men whose struggle with themselves, with the evidence and with the forces of reaction changed not simply themselves but our world.The Sky's Dark Labyrinth is the first of a trilogy of novels inspired by the dramatic struggles, personal and professional, and key historical events in man's quest to understand the Universe.
Stuart Clark is a widely read astronomy journalist whose career is devoted to presenting the complex world of astronomy to the general public. Stuart holds a first class honours degree and a PhD in astrophysics. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, a former Vice Chair of the Association of British Science Writers and is the cosmology consultant for New Scientist.


Schlagwörter zu:

The Sky’s Dark Labyrinth von Stuart Clark - mit der ISBN: 9780857900142

Astronomy; Dark; Galileo; Kepler; Labyrinth; Persecution; Pope; Religion; Rome; Science; Sky's; Trilogy, Online-Buchhandlung


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