Kyoto Connection () von Deborah Kemp

Kyoto Connection
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Deborah Kemp
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An American woman, Page Queenan, lives and teaches in Kyoto, Japan. She meets a wealthy Japanese man, Kenji Tanaka, and quickly becomes involved with him, only to be drawn into his world- a world where money is no problem, or is it? Page suspects Kenji is being followed, and her suspicions become reality when he is kidnapped. Some quick thinking and detective work on her part helps to end the kidnapping, but the drama doesnt end there. Page and Kenjis relationship causes his family to question whether Page is only interested in Kenjis money, and if she was possibly involved in the kidnapping. His family gradually comes to realize the seriousness of Kenjis commitment to Page, but Page continues to have doubts that they will ever accept a gaijin as a suitable partner for their only son. They travel to Okinawa, London, and Boston, and their whirlwind romance becomes a strong and passionate union. Flying First class, staying in five star hotels, receiving jewelry from Cartier, and dresses from Chanel, is something Page has never experienced before, but even money cant shield her from what is to come. Page and Kenji are determined to stay together as they deal with an attempted murder, accusations of infidelity, and revenge from an unexpected source, but being accepted in Kenjis world could prove to be Pages most difficult challenge of all.


Schlagwörter zu:

Kyoto Connection von Deborah Kemp - mit der ISBN: 9780759664180

, Online-Buchhandlung


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